Running is considered an easy form of exercise you can do anywhere, anytime. But I’m not a fan, mainly because I find it boring; very boring (and hard). However, I’m about to test my dislike and discover if running could be for me, and if I could become an active mum.
So what has changed? I met Julie Creffield at a blogging conference and she told me she was training for an ultra marathon. I said I didn’t enjoy running and she said she didn’t either – that was a jaw dropping moment for me. Is it possible to challenge your body when you don’t enjoy the activity?
My running history
At school my favourite running was 100m because you could run flat out and it was over. I’ve only attempted distance running three times with differing levels of success:
- ran a 5km Race for Life in 2003
- (ran and) walked a 5km Race for Life in 2009
- (ran and) walked a 5km Gung ho in 2015
I’m surrounded by people who run and are great running role models so I’m amazed I’ve avoided the activity for so long. I’ve even resisted suggestions from friends to join a local beginners running group.
- every time we’re on holiday in Dorset my husband runs along the coast and it is even better if he can race his sister
- one of my bridesmaids went running on the morning of my wedding and now regularly runs marathons
- my 7 year old daughter goes to weekly running club at school and insisted on walking the school challenge at the Oxford Half Marathon even though she couldn’t run due to a strained ligament in her pelvis
Loving @fattymustrun talk #bml16 – last night she almost inspired me to start running again
— KateDarktea (@KateDarktea) June 25, 2016
I was almost tempted to start running after hearing Julie speak at BritMums and told her to remind me if I didn’t join her online running group. She went one better and asked if I’d like to be an ambassador for #OneBigFatRun a virtual 5km challenge, completely playing on my weakness of responding to external targets better than the of ones I’ve set myself.
The aim of the challenge is to get as many women as possible out on 31st July to complete 5km where ever you want, whatever time you want and with whoever you want. It is not a race so you choose how you do it, although you can download a running number if you want.
All you need to do to take part is register and get running.
My starting point
As I said earlier I respond better to external expectations than my own, so the day after agreeing to be an ambassador I was out running with my daughter around the course she does with her running club, and that has set my baseline, as I also respond well to tracking numbers.
I jogged / walked 2.34km in 24 minutes (pace 10:11 min/km)
I would love to be able to run 5km with no breaks on 31st July, but being absolutely honest I’ll be happy if I’m going out for regular runs and I cover 5km distance. I would also love to lose some of the weight I’ve put back on this year, after losing three stones last year.
So I’m excited about what I plan to achieve this month and really hope that you’ll join me in a virtual run on 31st July.
Good for you, but I’m afraid however inspiring Julie is, there’s still no way I’m running. Plus I’ve not been dancing this week because of knee twinges so there’s no way running is going to work for me. Friends locally have all been running ‘virtually’ together and done C25K and loved it, so they’ve got the bug, none of whom have run before, so if you like challenges (love that you say you respond to external ones rather than your own!), you should be in your element.
Good luck with it
I have to admit that I’m concerned about the impact on my body, particularly my back. However as long as I don’t do any extreme distances or obstacles I hope I’ll be okay. I have only finished C25K once out of the three times I’ve tried it, so we’ll see what happens this time when I’m not using it.
Go for it! I’m really impressed – three times in a week so far is brilliant. And I loved the run the morning of your wedding, it was very misty and beautiful, the perfect start to a glorious day! Good luck with the challenge. How about listening to podcasts to alleviate the boredom? Xxx
And I’ve been out again today 🙂 I enjoy listening to podcasts in the car, but haven’t thought about it while running because of safety and I don’t like the cable flapping around while I run. Do you use headphones when you run? What type?
Good luck! I’m a regular runner, and have been for over 20 years, but I found her inspiring too. What inspired me was the idea that I don’t always have to run fast. It’s OK to walk or to run slowly. If I remember that, I should hopefully one day be able to run a marathon (or even an ultra!).
Wow, running for 20 years that is impressive, I’m still not getting out as often as I’d like. In fact I haven’t been out for several months. I haven’t got to the point of enjoying it enough to keep going yet, but I know I’ll start again and maybe after 20 years I’ll be thinking about the possibility of doing a marathon!